We would like to invite you to Elliott Heights Baptist Church. Our Fellowship time is at 9:30am which includes tea & coffee. Then at 10am, we have our English Sunday service.
If you prefer to join us online, our livestream begins at 10am. Please click on the link below to join the Livestream.
On Mondays, our Young Adults meet together at the church for 7:30pm. We meet bi-weekly for a time of fellowship, growing in God’s Word together, and spending some time in prayer. Our next meeting is on Monday January 27, as we study the book of Daniel.
We have our Jr. High Ministry & our Sr. High Ministry that takes place each weekend.
Jr. High- Fridays at 7pm
Sr. High- Saturdays at 7pm.
Each event is planned with fun games, fellowship, and a time to discuss truths from the Bible. If you would like the schedule, please email the church at ehbc@rogers.com